Asteroid Quaoar (50000) in Astrology
Quaoar Draco Mushussu Djinn Tiamat Duat Long Lotanu Hydra Jormungandr Zmey
The Dragon, or Quaoar, is a deity given to the extremes of this circular orb, omnipresent in the Chinese skies, on the Australian steppes - from where the Planet gets its name - and in the South American forests, where hundreds of marvelous spirals clap the palm of hands repeatedly to the mouth as they exclaim an "oh!" sound, producing the echo that gives name to the God: quaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoar...
It is the representation of infinity, a concept that is not understandable - or it's a concept only - in cities, but that in the broad nature of South America, in a continent that seems endless, it is a part of daily living. The Chinese like metaphors of greatness to try to apprehend a deity of the most difficult apprehension: they call the world the "ten thousand things," they speak of a fish of thousands of leagues, birds that fly by hundreds of mountains in minutes, or that succeed arriving from Sichuan to Beijing in a few moments: Zhuang Zi abounds in examples of these... In the southern steppes of the Amazonian continent, Guimarães Rosa said he had once seen a Buriti.
However, there is nothing that seems to bother more these Gods - and we use the plural to describe them, faithful to the Chinese spirit - that excessive greatness that exaggerates in size without being able to understand the notion of immense, that is, the immeasurable. Just as Borges, the librarian of the infinite - who had never forgotten that Lao Tzu had once saw an excellent archivist who "was the Dragon," dared to criticize Dostoevsky harshly, but loved Kafka and his unfinished tales.
Deities difficult to understand, these, since greatness serves as a metaphor, without however substantiating them. Two other notorious apparitions are in Buddhism and in the reign of Harun Al-Rashid.
If there is something similar to the "Paradise" for the Buddhism it is the splendid "Mount Meru", a huge mountain in the center of the Universe in which spirals of beings of wisdom meditate continuously. Strange concept for those accustomed to the Middle Eastern Paradises, but that brings the interesting notion that the endless, should be right in the center. What is paradoxical, however, if we think of the absolute incongruity of the figures of a Dragon and a Basilisk - a kind of noble and crabby Cock that lives alone in the desert and whose eyes kill everything he sees, an ancient symbol of ego and centrality, animal that carries in its feathered neck the talisman of the all-beggining, according to the "Zoology of Kant". If meditation is, however, transcending the ego, perhaps we shall come to understand why the vertiginous spirals of Mount Meru form in Buddhism a strange notion of origin.
The Indians identified the energy of the Planet in the Nakshatra "Dhanistha", represented by the spiraling upward movement; it governs the rhythm and the dances, like the Aboriginal God who created the world dancing - Quaoar. Does Rumi's Sufism have something of this? Uncertain, but it is certain that the astonishing figure of the geniuses of the lamps describe it: they leave in an immense spiral of vapor and once formed in the heights they are able to make marvellous similar to those of the Chinese magical beings: they jump between continents; from the firmament to the center of the earth and again to the firmament in a blink of lashes; they swallow forests, touch oceans, travel through the night from a window of a Maghreb Mosque to one in Damascus as if they were in the same neighborhood.
There are three species of beings in the Thousand and One Nights: men, sorceresses (who represent all women, endowed with magical magical sciences, starting by Shehrazade) and geniuses. The story runs amid groggy and stunned men with fierce fights between witches and geniuses - the Djins have in their favor the strength of infinity; the women, science and wisdom - which reminds us of the Simurg, or "thirty-birds" immeasurable Persian bird that Attar made a metaphor for wisdom. They are the exchanged scenes of the book, tales that enter each other like mirrors that look reciprocally at the endless, always on a threshold of wonder, from miraculous adventures to mysteries of great amazement, but everything very great, forward, varied and intersecting; the portal stories and their winged characters - it shifts from a fantastic and adventurous account to another absurd and delicate in the same flow with which geniuses strive continually without effort, yet these stories belong and fit one into the other in vertiginous endless which is... It is said, with this, that one of the best apprehensions of this God is given by this book. Its title itself, "Alf laila wa laila", A thousand nights and a night, with a delicious evocation of which does not finish definitively puts the work under the aegis of the God; in an endless succession of ages before, Sappho had asked for a night in the Aeolian summer to last two nights... To unfathomable generations later, a certain ambassador of Uruguay wish that Love be "infinite as long as it lasts."
The Qur'an attests the existence of the Djins in the two universes: the one formed by it's letters, and that which is formed by everything else.
There's a supposed relation with mathematics, since most of the paradoxes of the infinite are worked out in this science; the very notion of understanding the world through infinite numbers in abstract existence and relations already seems to suppose Quaoar and it's mirrors; A very interesting planet for numerology, since it required for itself the number 50000, symbol of both grandeur and the spiral echo of its phonetics (by understanding the sequence of zeros as the "oaoaoaoaoaoar ...")
"But the Buriti-Great! Uncommon. Excessive. Was it true? It had dampness. The lichen comes from the ground, to the top of the palm tree. We looked, looked.(...) Why, the Buriti-Great, if someone brings him down? He was the greatest, in the face of everything, somewhat out of the order of the landscape. His presence infused the region with a shadow of solitude. He went to the sky - up to seventy or more meters, plump, plumb - inventing an abyss." - G. Rosa
To understand why we associate it with the Dragon, we must see this Chinese animal under two seals: that of the immensity, and that of the spiral. It is explained: a serpent with wings is a perfect metaphor for a "spiral that ascends to the heavens", since the serpent is exactly the only animal able to form spirals - on Earth; a serpent with wings, and of this the Chinese are witness, would certainly fly spiraling towards the heavens, what is the exact description of the Nakshatra Dhanistha or the ascent to Mount Meru.
Unlike the Basilisk, which is always sober and sulky, Dragons are colorful, full of stones, drawings and various forms; imagine an immense dragon spiraling around a great metropolis; with its colors and sparkles and novelty in each scale and irreverence; we understand that this is a creative Aquarian energy, and that the Quaoars (individuals that have this energy highlighted on their Natal Chart) have great ease in fashion, in understanding the latest social trends, everything that is new , promising, that creates varied relations ahead: the metropolitan and modern life of great news is typical terrain. When in the field, the infinity of nature and broad horizons completes them.
For the non-Hellenic Gods, especially, their places of worship are the first emblem of their planetary significance; of this much convinces the discovery of Huya, God of rain in Colombia, and what place of the world would be more appropriate than a country that is almost all rain forest, in a continent that is by more than half? But the name was because a Colombian researcher had discovered it; yes, of course, but the world is like a David Linch movie, etc. So it is Australia - and the rest of Oceania in general - undoubtedly the most unusual continent. From there we have news of the Kangaroo, of the Coala; the Platypus and the unthinkable Black Swan; it is understood that the "exotic", which escapes everyday sight, is part of the regency of this Planet, which makes life a strange collection of the most excentric diversities.
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