Jupiter inaugurates what in astrology is called "transpersonal" planets. Slow and distant planets that in their delayed crossing of the sky influence entire human generations. When we are aspected, that is, when they aspect our natal chart - they are quite remarkable, since their influence can last a long time, marking parts of our life. The ancients knew only two: Jupiter and the ringed Saturn. Nowadays, classified as transcendental or post-saturnine planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - in addition to several transmartians and even transneptunian stars - and Chiron, the bridge from Saturn to Uranus. The ancients, sensing that first slow point crossing the sky, might have sensed the multiple asteroids that pass between Mars and Jupiter, with myriads of semantics in their touching the sublunary.

Now, when it comes to human generations and great social achievements, it is not surprising that transpersonal planets are often bad seen; And it is fair to blame the ravings of homo sapiens sapiens and not the heavens! With Jupiter, however, the interpretative fate of the contiguous stars never touched him: what is most striking if we note, in addition to this, the fact that he is the only transpersonal of fire!
The multiple flame of Jupiter has always inspired to be called generous, expansive, creative, benevolent and even amusing. Fame that also carries its ruled sign, Sagittarius. It should be noted that in this Sign lie two mysterious points of the Orbis Universalis, the Great Attractor, and the Center of the Galaxy. Do not think, however, that for being Transpersonal, the planet exerts less influence in our most intimate or daily life - much of the opposite! Wherever Jupiter is on our natal chart will be where an unending creativity will be bequeathed to us.
Talented, these is how looks like a being in the eyes of others when influenced by Jupiter - but this adjective is only disguise, half way to pronounce the astonishment before the tireless ability, always renewed and diverse in each his experiencing of each activity. The strength of Jupiter, in short, makes us fast, varied, diverse and tireless in ever renewed creativity; It is as if, there where the World looks to everyone a tough labyrinth; The Jupiterian goes through dozens of labyrinths at the same time, and instead of bringing them the key, rather learns with them for new and larger mazes to invent.

In transits, the same happens, Jupiter touches us and we blaze disposition and inventiveness ... Special attention must be paid to the square, this is the most intense disposition with which a star can be before us; If well used, will result in literal genial energy, the influent will swarm like vivacious firefly before the frosted circle; The difficulty with this energy is that it can cause anxiety and stress, it requires us to give it means of escape.
The immense planet Jupiter, the largest of our parish, the Solar System. It is laughter and irony often their gifts, also the questioning, the defiant and disturbing inquiry, but not taciturn or defiant, rather the question of who wants with the curved force of an interrogation (?) to overturn any walls, to open new seas . It is in the water that this immense plan of fire exalts itself; - and in this we see an intimate contact with our planet Earth. In the cardinal waters, always onward, of the abode of the Moon - our Moon and no one else's! - is where he grows even larger, and flows its variegated flame into the primeval emotions of each being.

He rules the 9th house, of the great aspirations, journeys, learning, missions. When we think of those great paths that we want to go through in life, we tune in to the energy of Jupiter. We understand the reason for this energy: abundant and diverse, intense and unrestrained, for the great ways, for the great steps.
There is another metaphor with which we can better realize the essence of Jupiter, and images are always inspired guides in this labyrinth of symbolic hallways that is the whole earth - and whoever of this concept doubts, read Borges - in which it is difficult to distinguish what is really image and what is really thing.
The rain gives us heavenly version of the Moon, when feeding the rivers. The water that leads us, and in front of which it is difficult to maintain the same emotions; If the thunders for somebody on principle would seem like Mars, we must remember that there are also the celestial meteors with fixed path; The lightning and thunders very much light and tread the sky in a drawing of trees; When it rains: and the sky becomes field-of-force for the Sign of Cancer. Rarely do they reach the earth - and also the Sun's fire can the earth attain -, in its constant it's an astonishment that illuminates the sky in multiple paths, sent by Jupiter from the high Olympus, just like the mythologoi used to say.
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