Shall be perhaps Neptune dream, what take us off the ground? Gaieochos, who trembles the entire Earth, in his Theogony's epythet. The inebriate of life, it can be of emotion, of joy, of astonishment - all that inebriates and makes us leave our ground is Neptune's strength.
They are the waters of the dream, the salty waters lying in the eyes of those who in intense daydream. Whoever is by his influx has immense strength in his walk, does not need to face the petty worldly obstacles, no; The Saturnine with all his effort is astonished with the lightness with which the Netunian transpasses that which comes ahead to him; He must nothing truly face, he simply does not tread this ground. When everybody creep into the arduous and difficult Earth, he goes quiet and forward sailing in his own sea.

The changing water of Neptune brings with it the force of changing emotions; His intoxicating alters the feeling of the world; - and what is the world if not it's feeling? Lesson to those who despise the dream: from the sublime to the most petty and boring: everything at some time still was nothing, had no mean, yet, was dream.
They are the painters, musicians, prophets, harlequins, mimes, jugglers, fortune tellers, enthusiastic astrologers, the children of Neptune to populate the Earth - besides, of course, the many who, by means of oars or sails, preferred the way of the sea.
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