When the seagoat, symbol of the sign of Capricorn, reached the top of the mountain he longed for, there he found broad and rarefied air: from where everything could be seen. There was no room for the exchangeable fast ideas that varied by the earth, nor for the inebriation of the sea, and the sentiments themselves yielded to that broad vision, from which one glimpsed what is right, right, the nobility of primeval reason that pervades all Things: what should be. From above: what is to become.

We began the account with the goat of the sign of Saturn because this was the Planet that in ancient astrology also ruled the sign of Aquarius. And there is still a close relationship between the two spheres: the Capricorn seriousness in always going to higher, as coming into the high aquarian values; These, even out of this world. Saturn is envisaged as enveloping the ephemeral relations of our sublunary world - what is beyond, it still guides us, of course, but with redoubled mystery: Uranus influences us courage with the fluid solidity of the air that nothing can attain: the courage of Who knows his values ??and sees beyond. Also, the will to independence, the absolute freedom to be what we see clear as the broad sky, the unquestionable, irreducible - because it sees beyond those that have Saturn as the last horizon.

The Aquarian is thus rebellious; Of course, in the vision of others; In reality, with himself, he does not bother to get the mean things of this world - his air of snobbery and contempt for his surroundings is indeed sincere - and in this, he misunderstands Capricorn, whose seriousness he respects; His vision always in a broad beyond so sublime makes him impeccable in actions without making him terribly ambitious - far from cultivating reveries, his course is pure understanding of what he perceives to be more real.

Where Uranus touches the natal chart, we have contact with the highest values, with the higher real that is not always seen among the wheels of conversation of this world, but that is always to come: Uranus blows the wind that will bring us the future. In Greek, its name means Sky itself.
Curiously, he is the son of the Earth, who gave birth to him from herselfe and first of all; In him we see the dancing of each star. It was Saturn who overthrew him, and with the aid of Neptune, Venus appeared. We see that, thus, Venus is an intricate daughter of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune at the same time: Saturn got something of Uranus sublime understand and mixed with a little of the Netunian dream, creating Goddess more subtle and pleasing to the Harmony in the fragile sublunary world establish, harmony that, nevertheless, never fails to aspire to the heavens.
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