Sign of Gemini
It is certain that there is writing: and that, by it's existence, there is reading; And the words that intersect themselves between meanings and the warp-syntax; Be this really a presupposition, and it seems to us so certain that it would hardly enter into the realm of mystery. But if at the same time the proof that there is writing is that, we believe, we are reading it... How can this even be petty trivial?

Fast as are the ideas, volatile as their relations or incongruities - and curiosity, which makes us shift from thought to thought making the simple, exchangeable ideas wind of extreme interest. Gemini deals, in short, with everything we do without having to stop to think, with our automatisms - which includes reading, speaking, moving ... It deals, in a better synthesis: with learning.

Learning - changing ourselves. Learning is to incorporate what was not before, perhaps we did not even know of its existence, as now an inexpugnable part of us. And the subtle air of Mercury gives us an implacable fortune: learning is not a choice, rather a destiny: we learn every moment and with everything, without even having of this the clear perception. Constantly in transformation, or in changed terms, evolution.
The symbol of Venus is understood as the spirit (circle) entering the matter (cross), which is all-well for its harmonizing effect; Mercury has the same sign, but with two "wings" - which the God brings in the cape - symbolizing his speed - the God of all the ways - and the ability to be everywhere at the same time. Communication - and learning - is thus defined as the fastest harmony: it is the air that connects us, explains, sharpens the edges and in learning expands us.
However, let us remind ourselves of the substance mercury and both it's subtlety as it's destructive power, and we see with it another ambiguity of the female-male planet of the Zodiac: Mercury always unites, but its practical consequence can be both to harmonize or to collapse. It matches, given word, with its transforming effect.
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