Sign of Leo
The sign of Leo is the stage of the zodiac, - curtains open - do enter carefully: nothing here will pass unseen. In it's correct square with Scorpio - the most hidden -, it shines in it light that is told to be sufficient to illuminate all the remaining ecliptic. Not without reason, since in it dwells the Sun, absolute center of the solar system in our still infant heliocentrism. More than this, it is the only Star among the planets, provided that its gliding does not give it an eponymous and that we are in modern times in which only the most romantic spirits are offended by hearing that the Moon has of loan to him the white light.
Let us be geocentric, however, and let us see the Sun as the high star to shine the sky-the God who sees everything and enlightens everything: it is easy to see that the essential of this sign is to understand that everything must be seen, appreciated. Its most intimate essence is this: to clarify.

The exaltation of Pluto is signalized in Leo, and this is the genuine exaltation of the Zodiac, placed on the truest stage: the revolutionary planet transforming the light - consciousness; The 1970s - when the young generation of Leonine Pluto climbed the stage - leaves no doubt of the impact that the great zodiacal exaltation can bring; - for those who regret not having lived it, it must be said that in the distant orbit of Pluto, it will take around 300 years for a new Woodstock.
Not everything, however, is cause for regret, after all, the sun shines for all and we are all aware: every year are born, right at the beginning of the astrological year, those who bring with them consciousness in their full exaltation: the sign of Aries. And if the best of consciousness is when the more fully impulsive it is, that's for the simple reason that there is no half consciousness. Or you have a full and complete awareness of something, or you simply do not have it. Half-consciousness is rather ludicrousness, fraud, sleep-numbing disguised as light; So that in lighting the very strongest impulse of ourselves the exaltation of the Sun is made, leaving the Arians with this royal honor.
Royalty, an attribute that fits the one who does not hide, but has in appearing his greatest defense. Herein lies the antithesis behind the sign: the paradox of the king and the fool. From the naked king of old stories; Or we are fully aware, or our false royalty gets unmasked; Being a king is a rare thing, and no one should take the scepter adrift: the stage does never forgive.
And behold that our conscience cries out, so that we may know it all: even the stars that weave our plot. And the tyrant life: shall it be more conscious, and as more real so much less small.
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