Sign of Sagittarius

Of the many paths that guide our lives; Of the variety of the world, and the force that moves us to choose, to act, to be: this is the domicile of Jupiter, the sign of Sagittarius.
In ancient times, Heaven itself (Uranus) owned the world and shared the kingdom with Gaia (Earth). But it happened that the ruler of Aquarius considered everything on this miserly ground very little, and soon sent what sprang forth on Earth to the vaporous Tartarus.
Saturn, his son, succeeded him, for "He had done evil deeds before," in which followed a taciturn reign. Jupiter is the one who finally replaces Saturn, and reigns over the world we know. He sees the Earth neither in a practical way - like Saturn - nor does it focus only on the sublime understanding - as Uranus - he looks upon the manifold possibilities of this world, and sends us energy so that we may know it, create it, make it ...
It is the realm of great journeys, of great aspirations; Of the creative force of fountain that gushes in incomprehensible abundance - fountain of fire. Centaur running valiantly, on his feet and knees the gallop, and in his hand only the arrows to look at the distant: So, in the extreme of being to all sides, receives this World the force that can everything cross, do, walk; The vibrations of Jupiter come with innate joy and generosity; However, it is energy that needs an escape, a certain attainment, or may end up resulting in anxiety.

Jupiter stays about a year in each sign, and his exaltation is in Cancer; What shows that our varied energy of animation is best applied not directly to the world - this is the field of Capricorn, which is yet to come - but in our own emotions. The river of our whimsical emotion to boil through the fire that is all flame, all change. Gift that comes from Olympus - and it's mister when it falls in the heart.
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