Roots of this life on this earth: what holds and grounds us most. What is in us of stable, fixed, whether we are aware of it or not - remember that Taurus makes steep squaring with Leo, the sign of light and the Sun -; Everything which supports us, but also that we must bear: it is the earth, the stone, that thing that keeps us and is our strongest part, under the sign of the Bull.

Thinking about Taurus is thinking in the long run. In the long, long run. Although slow - undoubtedly the slowest - of the ecliptic places, it's also the most stable and the perenity of its fruits tend to nurture not little admiration. The most earthy of the Earth signs is fixed, like the roots of every tree. But some prefer to see in it only the hardness of the donkey when it stops. They forget that the holy stubbornness of the bull is an accomplice of it's all-calm; And if everything has to be calm and still, it is only in order to exalt the Moon - romantic privilege of this sign, not adrift the nocturnal abode of Venus.

Taurine's focus is on safety - as a firm ground to "hold" the incisive drive of the previous sign, Aries - and this is the reason both for its slowness and for the certainty that it will reach the goal. Starting a project with the possibility of not completing it is an unthinkable idea for a Taurine. When he is willing to do any activity it is always strictly planned from the bottom up to the ultimate goal. It tends to be an accumulator, but far from having the ambition of the Capricornian, the Taurine is concerned more with not losing than with winning. It is the strong instinct of security that permeates even the most banal activities of his life.
Sometimes it seems to act too calmly, but, in truth, he is intensely dedicated in the goal that nothing fails; When he acts calmly it's because he really trusts that this is the safest way to complete the activity.
Regent of the second zodiacal house, Taurus is related to the way we lead our lives in what it's not required fighting: our possessions, our knowledge, contacts, everything that surely is already ours and that gives us security and tranquility. Planets in this sign tend to influence the "modus vivendi" of the person.
Considered the most grounded of the signs, its strong relation with the planet Earth is always underlined. It's associated with the slow rhythm of nature and seasons - the rhythm of the Zodiac itself.
Venus at the window sees the bright Moon exalted: in the sign that is our calm, our rest, our home.
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