Sign of Virgo
There was in the sky an image among the stars, which was repeated every evening. A girl with two beams, one in each hand raised: like the Goddess of Harvests, like the one that, when incorporated by the priestess in the yearly festival, with the coming of the seasons, shook up the beads of wheat - with the haughtiness and magnificence that guaranteed us more a year of being well fed by the Earth, thanks to the Goddess.
Whoever was born with many of these navigating stars close to the girl of the sky used to come to this world as if ready for every plantation: the person carefully collected each branch and analyzed the thickness and maturity, without losing the calm; The rhythm of the winds, the sky and the rains was not forgotten; Nor did he arrive before, he methodically appeared always at the right time and without getting tired, with the humility of those who perform a ritual, a mission: certainly, it was one like that who first invented the very idea of ??planting.
The image was soon recognized as the emblem of the Goddess of Grains, dyed of stars to bless; This, in the gone lands of Assyria, before Euphrates, between the musky breeze of Babylon and the caravans of Susa; Many centuries before Alexander had made his way to the Nile, there had already arrived in Greece the unveilings of discoveries that united the turning of Earth and Heaven: perhaps, still finding weird to unite their Gods with a so fascinating as exotic science, they called the constellation of "Parthenos", the Virgin.
The name that centuries later would arrive in Rome, in what remained in English: to be born under the sign of the Virgin, the changing sign of Earth, offers above all Candor, the word which is most innate of this sign. Shyness is the result of a calm being impressed by everything that really exists; In this sign, there's the need of a correct proceeding, after all, to analyze the minute details of everything that is real-and this includes ideas and thoughts-requires, besides calm and patience, a certain correct and orderly procedure.
Do not confuse yourself with this that the Virginian should be a conservative, or strict adherent of every social duty; It is so rather in appearance: with the active and tireless mind - Virgo is the nocturnal abode of Mercury in traditional astrology - it needs its own orders and methods: for its personal activity. Even the most revolutionary Virginian will know the strength that order and method have in what he does best: analyze, measure, verify, carry out with extreme attention, and above all: to care.

In this, virginian empathy and candor more stand out: with his detail and perfectionism associated with earthly calm he acts with affection, which no one understands in his peaceful calm in carrying out each activity, that candor in dedicating oneself to what others seem so Bored; He sees - a glimpse of Demeter - a certain love in everything that exists, in all that can be truly touched, in all that in the tireless metamorphosis of this world stopped a little, to exist.
And as long as we are existence in this immense Earth, this bouquet of stars must always be in heaven: a constellation that sees and perceives us in our fragile, simple being.
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