You have your midheaven right in the middle of Aquarius, it shows up to you a path of uncommon, excentric, high socialized career. Technology is good, but your focus shall involve specially high connected systems that encompasses people and goods - networks of trade, commerce, ideas, feelings - anything that can be like those waves that represent Aquarius and goes through mixing everything widely.

Uranus is on 7th house of relationships, open deals. It's a region of socializing but not the wide and open socializing of Aquarius, rather a one by one friendship, deals and of course, romantic passions. Your Aquarius/Sagittarius midheaven is then sweeted by this position, that tells you that anything with personal relations, affective communication, partnerships and deals, team work - all that shall be auspicious.
Saturn plays a role on Career also, we find it on Scorpio, the terrain of
unstability, danger, mystery, the occult. It's a high competitive sign, and Saturn here shows that you are ready to see with strenght and depth these difficult areas. Scorpio rules conspiracy, hidden ennemies, Saturn is on 6th of detailed work, routine, craft; it makes you crafty at seeing with seriousness and depth the hidden attacks that you could receive in an atmosphere of danger.

You have the South Node - past life, children time - in Jyestha; the North in Rohini.
These are some keywords for Jyestha:

And these for the opposite, Rohini:

For Career, it's more important the North; having the North in Rohini definitely points up to careers of fashion/beauty/delicated art, production of anything really desirable or tasty; also indicates a person that values home, and whose home life can't be forgotten in the sake of a career.

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